Taxes_April 1955 to March 1956TAXES 10$4 Book Page Recommendations of City Engineer Lipp, for methods of making adjustments in assessment rolls for paving, sidewalk and whiteway work to be done as a part of the bond issue, to be followed 4-6-55 37 92 TAXES 109 Book Page Request re. reduction of assessments on paving Byron Ave. from Haynsworth Beach Sub. to north city limits referred to City Atty and City Mgr. 5-18-55 37 170 No action taken by Council on objection to personal property assessment on Charter Boat OSPREY II. 5-18-55 37 172 1954 delinquent personal property tax list filed 5-18-55 37 172 - TAXES 110 Book Page Res. #9074 extending time for Board of Equalization meeting until 1st Monday in July, 1955 6-1-55 37 Figures for 1955 Tax roll presented. 8-17-55 37 1949, 1950 & 1951 personal property taxes charged to reserve for uncollected taxes 12-7-55 37 486 184 323 M. B. Times designated of 1955 delinquent tax E. Q. Rodgers speaks on for publication lists 2-15-56 38 66 tax equ lizatio 3-21-5b 3d 100