Taxes_June 1956TAXES 111 Book Page Resolution of M. B. Taxpayers Assn presented protesting general increase in property assessments and asking Council to rescind same. City Mgr. explains therevOs no relation between his statement that tax increase by reason of Exhibition Hall would not exceed 1 mill per dollar based on 1955 valuation, and fact that assessments had been raised. No action taker . b-6-56 38 219 TAXES 112 Book Page Res. #9275 extending time for Board of Equalization to first Monday in July, 1956 6-6-56 38 238 Proof of publishing list of 1955 delinquent personal property taxes in M. B. Times filed. 6-6-56 38 238 TAXES 115 Book Page Resolutions filed by Lincoln Road Merchants' Guild and M.B. Taxpayers Assn. protesting increases in land valuation of certain properties throughout City of M.B. Discussion held. Tax Assessor advises he intends to revise tax roll by applying percentage of decrease to the value of every parcel of land in the city in order that the total land value for 1956 will be approx. the same as it was on the 1955 roll. This will not affect the equalization feature which was the subject of the intensive survey made during past year. No action by Council. 6-20-56 38 238