Taxes_June 1956 to December 1957TAXES
Councilman Richard uges publicity
re. land valuation increases. City
Mgr. to see that additional publicity
is released by Mr. Meyer's office.
6-27-56 38 265
Proof of publishing notice of sale
of 1955 delinquent real estate taxes
in Miami Beach Times filed 8-1-56 38 348
Deficit of $143.41 in personal property 38 447
taxes charged off 10-3-56
1st set. ingfono.LQingeyearlynsales
Dr cte.Linquent real property2t xes-57 39 98
Book Page
M.B. Times to be advised that (fLIAl.
� 1
advertisement of delinquent tax
lists no longer necessary
2-6-57 39 122
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance eliminating
necessity of holding yearly Sales
of delinquent real property taxes
Ord. #1247 2-20-57 39 142
M. B. Times designated medium for
publishing delinquent personal
property tax list 2-20-57 39 142
Book Page
Res. #9507 extending time for completion
of tax rolls and Board of Equalization
meeting until 1st Monday in July, 1957
39 361
Personof al publishingaxListfiled6 Deinquent
6-7-57 39 381
Res. #9655 adopted providing that balance
remaining in Spec. Fund created by Res.
#5585 for purchase of tax sale certificates,
shall be used solely for the purpose of
making up the difference betw. amts. provided
for in future budgets for uncollected taxes
and the amount of uncollected taxes actually
accuring in the fiscal year to which such
budget applies 12-18-57 40 177