Taxes_February 1958 to November 1959TAXES 117 Book Page M. B. Times medium for publishing delinquent personal property tax list - 1957 2-5-58 40 273 Vincent Burke appointed to serve on Reassessment Advisory Board of Dade County 5-21-58 40 425 Proof of Notice of Delinquent 1957 Personal Property Taxes filed 5-21-58 40 440 Res. #9782 extendingtimefor com 1 tion of tax rolls and Bord or Equalizhtion meeting until 1st Monday in July, 19558 5-28-58 40 446 TAXES 118 Book Page Tax Assessor to restudy Meridian Medical Building tax assessment prior to 1959 Board of Equalization hearings 8-6-58 41 40 1954 Delinquent Personal Property Taxes amounting to $12,070 charged off - to Reserve for Uncollected Taxes. (To close books for yr. ending Sept. 30, 1958) 1-21-59 41 323 M.B. Times designated for publication of delinquent personal property tax list. 2-18-59 41 402 TAXES 119 Book Page City Mgr. advises Council cf method of assessment established in 1955 and which he recommended be the policy for adjustment of assessments on assessable projects to be included in the 1959 Bond Issue. 2-25-59 41 413 Authorization given to charge to the Reserve for Discounts and Abate- ments the amount of $444.18 -- Personal Property Tax difference.11-4-59 42 365