Taxes_October 1963 to March 1964TAXES 126
Book Page
City Mgr's letter of appointment of
tax assessor, D. W. Jones, Jr. read.
Appointment confirmed. 10-2-63 46 193
Motion made by Councilman Englander that
City adopt Dade County tax roll for year
1964. Mr. Shepard comments. Action
on motion tabled until 11/6/63.
10-2-63 46 193
Action on Councilman Englander's motion
of 10/2/63 that City adopt Dade County
tax roll for 1964 deferred until Nov. 20th
Council meeting. 11-6-63 46 263
Att Irving Cypen proposes payment
Book Page
Cto ity of monies involved in tax
law suits. Council approves proposal
to deposit these monies with City.
11-20-63 46 289
City Mgr. reports on a study made,
comparing City and Dade County assessments.
Recommends that City pursue its own tax roll.
No further action. 11-20-63 46 299
Letter from Irving Cypen read re. agreement
entered into by Cypen on behalf of hotels
represented by him in lawsuits re. depositing
money with Cit instead of Court registry
and questionof allow.in4% disco t
which is emitted in Novembler on amou is
Paid bv them. Council votes to allow
aiscount. 12-4-63 4 32-.
Book Page
Clerk discusses problems in connection
with outstanding personal property taxes
at former Coral Bar, 1685 Alton Rd.
City to proceed with levy on personal
property to pay taxes. 12-4-63 46 330
Council authorizes charging off
1959 personal property taxes in amt of
$14,191.74 which have been determined
uncollectible. 12-23-63 46 365
S. Z. Bennett's memorandum to City Mgr.
relative to a review of the assessment
manual read. City Mgr. suggests Council
approve authenticity of the manual so that
tax assessor can pursue his course. Action
deferred. 3-•-64 46 464