Taxes_March 1964 to March 1965TAXES 129
Book Page
Discussion re. approval in principle
of assessment manual to be used as new
measuring device in evaluating structures.
City Mgr. advises this is in accordance with
recent directions of Council to devise a
better method of arriving at assessments
than last year. Members of Council express
their views; Ben Shepard comments; tax
assessor comments. Action deferred for
further information from tax assessor.
3-18-64 46 468
City Mgr and City Clerk requested to look
into matter of delinquent Mall assessment
liens and to take steps to collect.
4-1-64 46 484
Book Page
Discussion of assessment manual.
Letter rom Tax Assessor react re.
testing of manual. Motion to adopt
manual principles fails. Motion made
to have Tax Assessor compute building
valuations ofsquare foot basis. City Mgr.
advises Council it has no right to tell
Tax Assessor how to arrive at assessments;
cites Charter provisions. Ben Shepard
gives opinion. Tax Assessor advises he
will proceed with use of square foot method
as basis of assessment of valuation for
structures only. 4-1-64 46 491
Book Page
M. B. Times designated medium for
publishing delinquent personal property
tax list. 4-1-64" 46 507
M. B. Times designated as medium for
publication of 1964 delinquent personal property
tax list. 2-3-65 48 353
Taxation of houseboats discussed. City Atty.
City Clerk and Tax Assessor to confer on
matter of taxation of houseboats and report
to Council. 3-3-65 48 392