Taxes_March to December 1965TAXES 132 Book Page Council authorizes charging off the Uncollected Personal Property taxes for year 1960, $17,183.89. 3-24-65 48 423 City Mgr. advises that tax assessor has been instructed to proceed collecting personal property taxes on those craft which are obviously not motor boats in accordance with opinion rendered March 17, 1965 by City Atty. 3-24-65 48 426 Counc_Uman Englander urges property n of tax ottice to assist M.. owners in event Metro does take tax depart- ment ut,er • 6-16-65 49 112 T�xEs 133 Book Page Enforcement of collection of delinquent taxes ordered. 11-17-65 49 439 City Atty Wanick reads letter from Judge Philip Goldman, Special Counsel, in re. his recommendations pertaining to certain tax suits. Entry of a decree in certain tax suits approved. 12-16-65 49 506 Council declines to charge off 1961 personal property taxes. Clerk to proceed with collection. 12-16-65 49 510 TAXES 134 Book Page Meeting to be ,-trranged re. collection of delinquent taxes. 1-19-66 50 59 City Clerk authorized to send final notice to delinquent taxpayers and if not paid to take action to foreclose. 2-2-66 50 79 Publication of 1965 delinquent personal property tax list in M. B. Times approved. Question of collection of delinquent real estate taxes by Metro referred to City Atty. 2-2-66 50 93