Taxes_February to July 1966TAXES Book IlAe
City Atty authorized to proceed with
necessary legal action to foreclose
delinquent real estate liens.
2-16-66 50 112
City Clerk authorized to proceed to
collect delinquent personal property taxes
by seeking assistance of Sheriff's office.
3-2-66 50 142
Request from owners of property at
1100 Alto Rd. that temporary lien on
property be rescinded due to defeat of
bond issue. Res. ##11771 rescinding
resolutions ordering and confirming
Highway Improvement H-489 3-2-66 50 142
Book Page
Res. 411811 adopted calling hearing on
May 12,1966 to receive recommendations
and suggestions with a view to broadening
present tax base of City. 4-13-66 50 228
Guidelines re. broadening of tax base
of the City to be distributed to all
organizations which were invited to
attend meeting on May 12, 1966.
5-4-66 50 300
Personal Property Tax Roll Change
No. 1751 approved. 7-6-66 50 410
TAXts 137
Book Page
Memo from City Mgr. re. tax inequities
(1966) recommending that Metro be re-
quested to extend deadline for filing
complaints. Res. 411897 adopted request-
ing Metro to extend deadline for filing
tax complaints. 7-20-66 50 420
Discussion re: broadening of City's
revenue base, Council members pre-
sent suggestions. Mayor Roosevelt
appoints Councilmen Englander and Richard
as a Committee to review potential race
track revenue. City Manager requested to