Taxes_July to December 1966TAXtg (contd) initiate discussions with Aud. & Cony. Hall Mgr., Convention Bureau Mgr. and Hotel Assn. relative to establishing license fees for per- sons engaged in concession businesses during conventions, etc. 7-20-66 138 Book Page 50 435 Proof of publishing list of delinquent personal property taxes for 1965 pre- sented and filed. 8-3-66 50 459 139 TAXES Book Page City Atty instructed to proceed with foreclosure proceedings re. delinquent real and personal property taxes. 9-7-66 51 28 Tax Roll Change No. 1753 re. reduction 1963 Personal Property Tax, confirmed. 10-10-66 51 96 No action taken on City of Miami Springs request to investigate tax inequities throughout DadeCounty. 12-21-66 51 269 TAXES BOOK PAGE6 Resolution received from Village of El Portal, Fla. requesting Dade County to make full investigation of tax inequities and City Mgr. informed Council that it had taken such action. 2-8-67 51 374 City Atty. to ascertain status of bill proposed by the State Legislature to allow condominium owners full $5,000 Homestead Exemption. 6-14-67 52 76 Upon being advised that proposed legislation re. Homestead Exemptions for condominiums are constitutional amendments and are not being considered at this time, Council requests that dpatter be placed on agenda in July