Taxes_August 1972 to September 1973TAXES
Meeting Date
RES. 13692 adopted requesting Metro Dade
County Mgr. to investigate contention of
Mr. A. Jay Cristol that Dade Co. Tax
Assessor's office is not giving the over-
development depreciation credit to Miami
Beach properties, and to initiate correc-
tive measures if this is so.
RES. 13704 adopted requesting Metro Dade
County to exempt from taxes Lots 13, 14 and 15,
Alton Beach Realty Co's Sub. Block 45, Alton
Beach, which were acquired for off-street
parking purposes.
Meeting Date
Requesting Dade County to cancel balance of
1973 taxes on Shoreham -Norman Property. 4/18/73
Res. 73-13985 adopted. City Mgr. to report
back to Council re: development plans for
property. 4/18/73
Final judgement re city's acquisition of lots
1 and 2, block 6, 41st st. business sub -division;
resolution asking metro Dade Co. tax assessor to
cancel balance of taxes due for 1973 deferred to
Sept. 12, 1973 meeting. 9/5/73
Res. 73-14112 adopted requesting Metro Dade County
Tax Assessor to cancel bal. of taxes due 1973 on
Lots 1 & 2, Block 6,41St. business subdivision. 9/12/73
Meeting Date
Councilman Dr. Haber's motion that City Mgr.
be directed to appropriate $25,000 for purpose
of retaining appropriate professional assistance
in determining whether any discriminatory practice
exists in the workings of the County Tax Assessor
in tke evaluation of property in CMB, failed of
passage. 9/25/73
Councilman Dr. Haber requested the Administra-
tion prepare a report of cost to City in
furnishing essential services, when land is
developed with new high-rise multiple family
building, as compared -with revenue derived
from taxes.