Taxes_June to December 1974TAXES
Res. 74-14389, requesting tax exemption on Lot 6/5/74
#6, Block 19,Altos Del Mar #1, located 8000
Collins Ave., acquired by City 3/20/74.
Res. 74-14390, requesting tax exemption on East 6/5/74
125 ft., Lot 6, Block 20, Altos Del Mar #1,
located 7900 Collins Ave., acquired by City 5/21/74.
Res. 74 -14447 -requesting tax exemptions on certain
properties acquired by the City in 1974 (Memo 4717)-
Request of Mr.Clyde M.Banks,Pres. Miami Bd. of
Realtors to discuss R.Est. Assessments/millage
rates, to be placed on 9/4/74 agenda.
Meeting Date
Res. 74-14309 adopted. requesting tax exemptions
on properties acquired by City of M.B. 6 -page
tabulation of properties made part of
resolution. 3/20/74
Res. 74-14310 adopted (add-on) requesting tax
exemption on Tract B, Indian Beach Corp. Sub.,
acquired jointly by City of M.B. & Metro Dade Co. 3/20/74
Res. 74-14336 adopted requesting tax exemption
on Webster Property (380 Alton Rd.) acquired
by City on 3/8/74. 4/17/74
Res.74-14388, requesting tax exemption on Lot 1, 6/5/74
Block 18,Altos Del Mar #1, located SW cor. 82nd
St. & Collins Ave.,acqui,red by City 11/21/73.
Discussion on relief for permanent citizens
of the City of MB from Fla. Sales Tax and
City Resort Tax on apartment rentals. Re-
quested by Councilman Dr. Leonard Haber.
Not reached. Deferred to 12/18/74.
Discussion on relief for permanent citizens 12/18/74
of the City of MB from Florida Sales Tax &
the City Resort Tax on apartment rentals.
(deferred from 12/11/74). Requested by Coun-
cilman Dr. Haber.
R.efP, City Manager and City Attorney for
review with TDA, Fiscal Agent and State Sales
Tax Dept., and report back to Council.
Mr. Murray Gold, hotel operator, requested to