Taxes_October to November 1975TAXES Mayor Maurice Ferre advised that the City of Miami has gone on record protesting the action by Dade Co. on the basis that it is unjust and illegal, wherein certain raises were granted to Fire Dept. personnel which will have to be paid for by all residents of Dade Co. He said that if the Co. does not take corrective action it is the inten- tion of the City of Miami to take appropriate legal action. He requested that CMB join in pro- test and that City Managers and City Attorneys of both cities meet to pursue the matter. V. M. Meyerson questioned Admin. regarding Coral 10/15/75 Gables request that this City take some affirma- tive action in connection with their position on 156 Date 10/1/75 TAXES (cont'd) inequitable tax assessments and City Mgr. advised that City is continuing to pursue question of double taxation and does desire to join CG and City of Miami in pursuing this. V. M. Meyerson said that this should be handled in cooperation with City Atty's office. 157 Date 10/15/75 City Atty. advised that Co. Mgr. had overruled 11/5/75 objections of City of Miami and in his communi- cation had referred to a Supreme Court decision. He said that, in his opinion, the decision which the Co. Mgr. had referred to was the decision which he had alluded to at a previous Council meeting, in the suit brought some time ago by the several Mayors of Coral Gables, Miami and TAXES 158 (cont'd) Date Hialeah against Dade Co. on the very same thing, and Supreme Court ruled against that contention setting forth that everyone is a resident of Dade Co. and shares benefits as taxpayers rather than as residents of a District. He said that he would investigate this further and report to Council. 11/5/75 Councilman Meyerson requested City Atty. to con- 6/16/76 tact Co. Atty. to determine possibilities of the restraining order being lifted so as to enable City to recover taxes due from Oceanside Plaza. Councilman Spaet requests report from Admini- 9/7/76 -BH stration as to number of adjustments in