Taxes_September 1976 to April 1977TAXES (continued) assessments have been requested. (NOTE: LTC 428-76 report from Zeke George 9/10/76, re property assessment appeals filed with meeting.) (p.13) Additional entry 151-A Issue of double taxation discussed. City Atty. advises that a new suit would have to be filed against Metro complaining about Metro 1976-77 Budget. City Atty. and City Mgr. to review and submit a recommendation. (Pages 5,6) Discussion regarding adjustment in tax assessments, (P.40) 159 Date ,.9/7/76 -BH kl J.t( 9/13/76-Bw 9/28/768 TAXES 159, (continued) Date (NOTE: LTC #508-76, slowing assessment re- ductions granted also filed with records of this meeting.) (/9/7/76BH TAXES Edward Waronker, real estate appraiser, gave a decisive statement regarding action by tax assessor re. reducing property valuations because of rent control. (P.7,8) 160 Date 9/29/76BH Res. #77-15281 adopted requesting tax exemptions 3/2/77 on certain properties acquired by the City during 1976, (tabulation of properties made part of resolution). Discussion of legal procedures to protect City's interest with regard to Fontainebleau Hotel's current financial status. Requested by Councilman Meyerson. City Atty. reviewed history of lawsuit pertaining to delinquent 4/20/77