Tatum Waterway Property Acquisition_August 1969 to February 1972TATUM WATERWAY PROPERTY ACQUISITION 6 Meeting date CC favored acquisition with School Board 50-50; City Mgr to attempt to conclude before completion of condemna- tion proceedings. Bond election: 11-18-69, for ac- quisition and improvement - RES.12850. $350,000. Bond election: appearance by Melvin Richard; Publicity Departments to cooperate; freeholders' mailings dis- cussed. 8-20-69 9-29-69 11-5-69 TATUM WATERWAY PROPERTY ACQUISITION 7 declaring results Meeting date RES.12890 -/'of $350,0.00 bond issue elec. -City atty to file suit immed. Request of Melvin Richard to participate for his group. 11-19-69 RES.12924 issuing above bonds. 12-17-69 Adm., Atty. Melvin Richard, to meet with property owners, School Bd. to negotiate purchase, prior to 4-7, Court hearing date. 4-1-70 Discussion at budget meeting re bond issue. 9-28-7C TATUM WATERWAY PROPERTY ACQUISITION 8 City Mgr. spoke re; School Bd. asking extent of their participation in costs. Council directed Mgr. to advise School Bd. 50-50 regardless of final cost. 2/2/72 Short discussion re: Dade County School Bd.'s participation in ultimate cost of acquiring this property for recreational purposes. City Mgr. requested to place subject on 3/1/72 agenda; Councilman Greene proposed updated appraisal be obtained. Also suggested that possibly the School Bd. and City officials could meet to discuss this. 2/16/72 Meeting Date