Tatum Waterway Property Acquisition_April to September 1972TATUM WATERWAY PROPERTY ACQUISITION
Meeting Date
Motion made that Council accept CityAtty.
rovommendation to settle condemnation
rfor 77th St.&Tatum Waterway for
,000, subject to approval of Date
County School Bd. and their paying 50%
of figure ---approved by Council 4/5/72
Mr. Wm. J. Erle,atty.representing owners
appeared in support of the offer 4/5/72
Mrs. Phyllis Miller, representing Dade Co.
School Bd.said she'd have matter placed
on 4/12 agenda of Schbol Bd. meeting 4/5/72
RES. No. 13580 adopted authorizing settle-
ment as above set forth. 4/5/72
RES. No. 13653 adopted approving execution
of agreement with School Bd. re: payment of
acquisition cost of $675,000 for this prop-
erty to be used jointly by City and School
Bd. for park & playground recreation. 6/V/72
RES. No. 13654 adopted, authorizing temporary
transfer $337,500 from Surplus Funds of Metered
Parking to be used as City's share of $675,000
cost, said amount to be reimbursed upon sale of
the $350,000 Tatum Waterway Bonds. 6/4/72
Councilman Greene said a sugsequent agreement
s:oouldbe made re: who will be responsible for
developing area as a playground and maintenance thereof.
Meeting Date
Meet i lm_Date
Payment of appraisal fees approved as follows:
Theodore W. Slack & Son, $4,000.
David P. Bishop, Jr. & Assoc. $4,000. 9/6/72
Council called hearing on 9/20/72 at 2:30 PM
to give public notice of abandonment, as a
public street, of that portion of Tatum Water-
way Drive lying between present School property
and property presently being acquired, and lying
south of 77th Street.
Hearing continued so that City Mgr. and City
Atty may meet with representative of Bd. of Public
Instruction to resolve matter of public access
across grounds before taking action on request
of Bd. to vacate or abandon property. 9/20/72