Tax Sale Certificates_June 1934 to January 1937TAX SALE CERTIFICATES Policy with regard to sale of Tax & Liens Sale Certificates as tentatively approved 6/14/34 con- firmed 6/20/34 3 Book Page 12 41.58 Discussion on procedure to be followed in the foreclosure of 1930 tax Sale Certificates recently ordered 7/16/34 12, 500 Tender to take up 1931 Tax Certificate against Lot 6,B1k.6,M,B,I.OceanEnont 13 5 accepted. Res.#2935 providing for foreclosure on $30 Tax Sale Certificates 8/1/34 13 30 TAX SALE CERTIFICATES Attorney Ben Shepard act on foreclosure on Tax Sale Certificates -A 4' Book Page • employed to City owned 4''o*- Ree.#2936 8/1/34 13,-- 30 Henry Levy urges concession be made on back taxes of Isle -af- Normandy 8/15/34-- 13,43 City Clerk's action in endorsing draft on Empire Inv.& Realty Corp. for Tax Sale Cert. ratified Res.2974 9/20/34 City Clerk instructed to deliver 13, 92 1929 and 1930 Tax Sale Certificates to Attorney Ben Shepard for fore- closure. 1/25/35 )3, TAX SALE CERTIFICATES 5. Book Page Res. #3144,providing for foreclosure of 1931 & prior years certificates 4/3/35 13 353 Res.#3145 employing Ben Shepardto foreclose above above certificates 4/3/35 13 354 Res. #3380 providing for foreclosure of 1932 & prior years certificates 12/4/35 14 225 Res.#3381 employing Ben Shepard to foreclose above certificates 12/4/35 14 225 Res. #3834 authorizing foreclosure of unpaid Certificates for 1933 1-20-37 15 355