Tax Sale Certificates_January 1937 to November 1939TAX SALE CERTIFICATES 6
Book Page
Res. #3835 employing Ben Shepard
to act on 1933 foreclosures 1-20-37 15 356
City decide to purchase own Tax
Sale Certificates, 6/16/37 16 145
City Clerk authorized to issue dupli-
catg Tax Certificates formerly issued
to heo. Bailey Res. #4218 1-19-38 16 500
City to purchase outstanding Tax Sale
Cert. on Belle Isle Park Tract 6-1-38 17 168
City Clerk authorized to issue duplicate
tax Cert.formerly issued to Theodorus
Bailey 6;10-38 17 176
Book Page
Res . #4336 authorizing Clak to
issue Duplicate Tax Certificate
on Cert.#73,dated Aug.3,1925 6.-15=38- --17 186
Dr F.T.F'arver reimbursed $119.99,
on 1931 -Lien Sale Certificate
purchase 12/1/38
Res. #4440 authorized Clerk _to
issue duplicate Tax Sale Cert.
to T.T.Ansberry 12/14/38 17 399
Outstanding tax sale certificates
against Park on Belle Isle to be
taken over & foreclosed 12/14/38 17 402
17 380
Book Page
Clerk reports payment of redemption
fees on Tax Sale Cert. for street
end, N. Bay Rd. at Surprise Waterway
Mr.& Mrs. Lee Rumsey offer to seal
interest in Tax Sale Cert. to Belle
Isle --Park Tract-- 4-5- 39 - 18 20
Clerk authorized to issue duplicate
Tax Certificates to Mrs. Rose Fishman
Res. #4517 4/19/39 18 49
City Atty.authorized to redeem Tax
-Sale Certificates outstanding against
._Park property am Belle _Isle 11/3/39 18 372
17 483