Tax Sale Certificates_April 1940 to July 1941TAX SALE CERTIFICATES Re.#l835 Employing Ben Shepard to foreclose on outstanding Tax Cert. held by the City of Miami Beach Apr. 3rd,19L0 19 63 City Clerk instructed to accept partial payment on tax certificates on portion of Virginia Fey property, nota- tion to be made on certificates, and balance to be carried as liens 6/5/40 19 152 Tax Sale Certificate #201 against Lot 11 & Part of Lot 12,B1k.2,San Marino Island cancelled 11/20/40 19 413 9. Book Page TAX SALE CERTIFICATES --- 10 Res.#5069 authorizing Clerk to issue Book Page duplicate tax certificates to Eleanor C. Donnelly 11/27/40 19 434 Clerk instructed to settle Henrietta Horn claim against Lots 1,2 3 & 4, White & Woodward's Sub.for $2,000.00 1/29/41 20 31 0.J.Tanner makes offer of $500.00 in settlement of taxes and liens against Lots 1,2 and 8,B1k.2,Harding Townsite- 2/19/41 20 82 City agrees to accept 50% settlement on 1938 and 1939 tax sale cert.owned by gs' tidman on Lot 7, B1k.5,Harding 20 2/19/41 82 TAX SALE CERTIFICAT S 11 Book Page City ara-viaed to accept offer of $50C,OC in lull payment_ of_all outstanding taxes and leins against Lots 1, 2d 8 tslock 2, Hare? ing_Towns ite-- 3/19/41- 20 113 Clerk authorized to aces tna meet of L89 39 tax sale cer .ya ainst & 1ot_6, Block 4, Har on 5 basis 5/1/41 Charging off of back taxes against Lear School property referred to City Atty. ''hep and- 7/2/41 20 335 Sale Certificates 'axeb/against Lear chool properties _fa, 1938 and 1939 charged off - - -- 7/16/41 20 351 '24 20 401