Tax Sale Certificates_May 1953 to September 1954TAX SALE CERTIFICATES
Tax Sale Certificates, aggregating
$70.95, charged off 5-6-53 34 218
Proof of publishing delinquent
real estate taxes filed. City
Clerk advises tax sale amounted
to approximately $17,000. of which
City purchased about one-half
7-15-53 34 391
Res. #8458 authorizing placing in
special fund all of unused reserves
set aside for "uncollected taxes"
in budget for fiscal year ending
Sept. 30, 1953 8-5-53 34 434
Bock Page
Book Page
Mrs. Katherine D. Kirtley asks that
City assign 1940, 1941, 1943 and
1944 tax sale certificates on her
property (Lot 4, less east 135 feet,
Block 80, Ocean Beach Addn No. 3)
to James D. Kirtley, her son
6-16-54 36 38
Res. #8747 authorizing placing in
special fund all of unused reserves
set aside for "uncollected taxes"
in budget for fiscal year ending
Sept. 30, 1954 7-7-54 36 51
Book Page
City Clerk reports on 1953 tax sale -
certificates aggregating $31,020.20
were sold, of which City purchased
$16,523.40 7-8-54 36 70
Tax Sale Certificate ;#24, dated 7/1/46,
against Lot 5, Bik 7, 1st Addn to Mid -Golf
Sub. canceled...$146.2o
Tax Sale Certificate #54, 8-11-54 36 116
covering portion of Virginia Key,
cancelled 9-15-54 36 166