Tax Sale_February 1937 to July 1939TAX SALE - 1936
Miami Beach Times selected as
paper for advertising 1936 de-
linquent taxes 2-3-37
Clerk reports on sale of delinquent
1936 taxes. 7/7/37
TAX SALE - 1937
Book Page
15 373
16 182
Book Page
Miami Beach Tures selected
as paper for advertising
1937 delinquent taxes 2-2-38 17 1
Council agrees to bid for 1st
year's interest on 1937 Cert,,
12% on all of same and down to and
including 10% . 5.6-3g 17 144
Report on sale of delinquent
1937 City taxes 8-3-38 17 238
TAX SALE - 1938
Miami Beach_T1me$_s'ele cted as
newpaper for publication of
delinquent 1938 -taxes 241-39
Proof of publishing notice of
sale_ of delinquentl938 taxes
7-19-39 1 165
erk-reports -an aa1 e— delin-
Book Page
17 461
quer X938 taxes_ 7-19-39 18 165