Television Shows_February to December 19681 t 11iS ick 5l,0..� 'Et IS IOI` SHOWS Mayor refers to conference held with Jackie Gleason re. TV operations in Miami Beach; states some criticism has been directed against expenditures of funds in this connection. 2-19-64 46 443 Morton Burack opposes expenditure for Jackie Gleason TV Shows; says money being spent for private purposes. Mayor says money spent in this connection was considered capital improvement. 2-19-64 46 444 Res. ##11282 adopted, to be presented at next TV fight and read by the Mayor, saluting producers of Fight of the Week and American Broadcasting Co. 8-31-64 47 195 1. Book Page TELEVISION SHOWS Hilton Plaza advised of Council lack of power to override TDA denial of request for subsidy for Truth & Consequences TV Show to emanate from Hilton Plaza. 8-21-68 53 386 Chris Dundee request for use of Auditorium on December 10, 1968 for closed circuit TV showing approved. Manager to have Mr. Dundee have additional off-duty firemen to control smoke problem. 12-4-68 54 57 Council voted to enter into agreement with Hilton Plaza re. Mike Douglas show presentation which will emanate from Hilton in February, 1969-- 2 BOOK PAGE