Tennis_April to May 1958TENNIS 12 Book Page $300. appropriation authorized from unallocated Publicity Fund to help defray expenses of Jerry Moss while participating in summer tennis tournament play 7-16-58 41 12 $350.00 is appropriated from unallocated Publicity Funds for Jerry Moss, for 1959 tennis tournaments 5-6-59 42 49 $500. authorized from publicity funds to Jerry Moss for tennis tournament play 4-5-61 44 29 TENNIS 11 Book Page Letter to be sent to Mike Green that when money is appropriated for his participation in tennis tournaments he is supposed to represent the City of Miami Beach and no one else 9-18-57 4o 44 Judge Henry Balaban's request for a $700. appropriation or behalf of Mike Green denied. Judge Balaban advised to appear before Public Relations Advisory Committee 5-21-58 40 420 $250. appropriation authorized from Unallocated Publicity Funds for Mike Green (Tennis Tournaments) 5-28-58 40 445