Tennis_October 1961 to June 1963TENNIS 13
Book Page
$2,000 authorized from ucf to
supplement existing budget funds for
the Jr. Tennis Tournament 10-18-61 44 250
$750. authorized from Publicity Acct
981-D-15 to Edward Rubinoff for his
participation in Wimbleton Invitational
tennis tournament and European tour
3-7-62 44 405
Council discusses request that City
consider lighting tennis courts in
Flamingo Park for night playing. Clerk
to notify. surrounding property owners
that matter would be considered on
Dec. 19, 1962. 12-5-62 45 215
Book Page
Council approves lighting 4 tennis
Courts in Flamingo Park in principle;
City Mgr. to make complete report on
how this lighting can possibly be
accomplished. 12-19-62 45 238
$750. authorized Ed. Rubinoff to help
defray traveling expenses - International
European tennis tournaments.(From
Publicity Budget Acct 981D-15)3-20-63 45 367
$500. allocated from Publicity Funds
for Jerry Moss - tennis tour throughout
U. S. this summer 4-17-63 45 410
Book Page
No action by Council on request
for funds for Mike Belkin for
participation in tennis tournaments.
6-5-63 45 484
Communication from North Shore Tennis
Club re. participation by Mike Belkin
in tennis tournaments read. Council-
man Frank proposes committee be appointed
to determine what monies, if any, should
be spent in support of these tennis
players. No further action.
6-19-63 46 15