Tennis_July 1963 to June 1964TENNIS ]6
Book Page
$600. appropriated from Publicity
,Funds to defray expenses of Mike Belkin
in tennis tournaments. 7-3-63 46 31
Edward Herr requests appropriation of
$8,500 for staging Sunshine Cup Jr.
tennis matches. Letter from Public
Relations Advisory Committee re. request
read. Matter taken under advisement.
Additional information requested from
Mr. Herr. 8-7-63 46 55
Book Page
Discussion re. Eddie Herr's request
for appropriation for Sunshine Cup
Tournament. Request again referred
to Public Relations Zdvisory Committee
for recommendation to Council.
11-6-63 46 250
City Mgr. reports complaints regarding
monopoly by group of t nnis players of
public facilities;Afa�g of abuses; also
reports re. increase in permit fees imposed
by Recreation Dept. No action taken.
11-20-63 46 288
Action deferred on request by Eddie Herr
for funds for Sunshine Tennis Tournament.
11-20-63 46 301
Book Page
$6,000 appropriated from available
publicity funds for Sunshine Cup
Tennis Matches to be held Dec. 30 -
Jan. 4 at Flamingo Park. 12-4-63 46 311
Edward Herr presents report re. Sunshine
Cup Tennis Tournament 4-15-64 47 14
Communications from Public Relations
Advisory Committee re. request of Mike
Belkin for $600. for tennis tournaments,
also re. future tennis requests. Council
accepts PRAC recommendations - $600. to be
appropriated from 981 D-15 Publicity Fund
budget. 6-3-64 47 64