Tennis_December 1965 to November 1970TtlINT S 2 2 $6,000 appropriation approved from Book Page 1965-66 budget funds for Sunshine Cup Tennis Matches. 12-1-65 49 458 Request by tennis player Jay Schlosser for $200 to help defray expenses of his tour this summer denied. 4-20-66 50 259 Council disapproved recommendation for dis- continuation of advance reservation system for use of tennis facilities & sale of Annual tennis permits. (Memo 837) 10-4-67 52 312 TENNIS 23 BOOK PAGE $200 authorized from Diversified Promotional activities budget, to help defray expenses of Gibbs while participating in 2 tennis tournaments requested by Balaban & M. B. Tennis Club. 6-26-68 53 248 Change Ord. 1 to Van Sumner, Inc. contract tennis courts in No. Shore Park, $730 54 240 Malek's report of recommendations re. changes in tennis fees filed. 3/19/69 54 271 TENNIS 24 Book Page Malek's report discussed. Poulos to submit 342, report & recommendations, on 5/7/69. 4/16/69 54 364 Consideration of fee schedule for year beginning 10/1/69 deferred. Poulos to review Malek report. 5/7/69 54 385 Tennis fees action deferred at request of Poulos. 5/12/69 54 412 Non-resident fees: Mr. Maxwell Whitebrook requested placing on agenda of 12-2; Adm. to submit detailed report; Mr. Wanick to submit report. Meeting date -66(-zSs-70 oh 11-4-70