Tennis_September 1970 to February 1973TENNIS Discussions, motions re fee increases. (budget meetings). Recreational function fee revision: RES.13119. %Concession type operation of the tennis courts to be reported on by City Mgr. Fee schedule to remain as is 25 Meeting date (see card 24 for 11-4-70 9/28,29/70 9/30/71 12/2/70 TENNIS 26 Meeting Date Vice Mayor Goodman declined to pursue elimination of $1,50 charge for non-residents working in M.B. 9/25/72 Contract awarded to Adco, for Belle Isle, $28,768.00 Council approved joint engagement of Mr. Stefan Zachar and VTN, Inc. to study the financial and technical feasibility of constructing a tennis center, at a fee not to exceed the budgeted amount of $15,000. Councilman Weinstein requested City Mgr. to review With Mr. Zachar, the City's present tennis program and facilities, tlhereby en- listing some constructive suggestions from him. This request made following comment of Mr. Zacher 1/3/73 TENNIS 27 Meeting Date that tennis facilities should be centralized. 1/3/73 City Mgr. asked by Councilman Weinstein to investigate complaint re: poor condition of courts at Fairway Park. 1/17/73 Re: Belle Isle Tennis Courts, objections presented by Mr. Wolpert, and other tenants of 3 and 5 Island Ave. to location of the courts on Belle Isle, lack of parking; noise, etc. in neighborhood. 2/7/73 Re: construction contract for the courts, approved by Council, City Atty. advised that upon acceptance of bid there was a contract and signing of the contract was a formality. 2/7/73