Tennis_February to September 1973TENNIS
He advised contract could be dissolved
by mutual consent.
Meeting Date
Council voted City Mgr. contact bidder to
see if contract can be cancelled by mutual
consent; the City Administration not proceed
with plans for construction of courts on
Belle Isle until a complete study is made;
alternate sites, availability of parking, etc.
and subsequently report to Council.
RES. 73-13905 adopted, approving executing
of letter agreement with VTN,Inc. and Stefan
Zachar, a joint venture, to make tennis
center feasibility study for $15,000.
Meeting Date
Res. 73-14046, commending Miami Beach
winners and runners=up in Fla. State Jr.
Singles Closed Tennis Championship held
in St. Petersburg, Fla., June 16-19, 1973,
and also commending those persons in City's
recreation Dept. associated with event.
Meeting Date
Tennis Center feasibility study by VTN-ZACHAR
presented. Referred to City Mgr. for study
and recommendations. 8/8/73
Discussion of creation of a tennis stadium
development board proposed by Vice Mayor
Robert S. Goodman, deferred to 9/19/73.
No action taken until such time as recommenda-
tions for site submitted on a tennis stadium
development board. This board proposed by
Vice Mayor Robert Goodman.
Vice Mayor Goodman requested Administration to
consider feasibility of installing tennis courts
on Bayshore Golf Course property and in vicinity