Tennis_September 1973 to June 1974TENNIS
of Normandy Shores Golf Course. Councilman
Weinstein further requested if sufficient area
is not available on present Bayshore Golf Course property
for tennis courts, that City Mgr. consider
acquisition of property in immediate vicinity 9/19/73
Res. 73-14130 adopted, establishing tennis
permit fee schedule, effective 10/1/73. 9/25/73
Re: creation of a tennis stadium development
board, City Attorney asked to prepare resolu-
tion for 10/17/73 meeting, creating an Ad Hoc
Committee to work with Administration on tennis
stadium proposal: suggested 16 members, 2
appointed by each Councilman and City Manager. 10/3/73
Meeting Date
Meeting Date
Res. 73-14161 adopted, creating a Special
Ad Hoc Tennis Stadium Committee comprised
of 21 members, each Councilman to appoint 3
members; such appointments not to be made
for thirty days. 10/17/73
Res. 73-14163 adopted, amending Res. 73-14130
to include category for permanent residents,
age 65 and over, yearly fee of $30.00. 10/17/73
Hearing to consider Planning Bd. recommenda- 6/5/74
tion Council adopt plan submitted for "MU"
municipal property west of Biarritz Dr., So.
of tract 65 and No. of tract 46A(across St.
from Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouse, 2400 more
Biarritz r)), to include 4 tennis courts (more)
(cont'd) with 50 -ft. setbacks on So. side 6/5/74
of property, as a conditional use, concluded.
Recommendations of Planning Bd. approved, and
Administration requested to beautify area with
necessary landscaping. Councilman Weinstein re-
quested that future plans for area include a
fishing facility along waterway, and urged that
plans for reconstruction of Club House proceed
Discussion tennis pro operation BW 9/11/74
Proposed Tennis Stadium construction- 9/19/74
Councilman Dr. Haber offered his services
to work with the Administration and to
spearhead for the City, the proposed idea
of construction of a tennis stadium in