Tennis_September 1974TENNIS in Miami Beach, and the Council voted to accept his offer of assistance in this matter. 33 Date PROPOSED CHANGES IN RECREATION FEES: TENNIS 9/24/74 a Keep operation as is - Proposal moot in view of other action taken by Council. b. Place Tennis Pro job out on bid - Council- man Weinstein's motion that a recommendation of Admins. not be accepted on a concession basis, but that present system be retained (seconded by Councilman Dr. Wikler), carried by a vote of 5 to 1, Mayor Rosen and Council- men Haber, Sahl, Weinstein and Wikler voting in favor, V. M. Meyerson opposing. TENNIS 34 Date c. &. d. City operation of food concession; 9/24/74 concession on bid - Flamingo Park -- No discussion or action taken. e. Increase hourly fee from 60 to 75 - Councilman Sahl's motion to increase fee, seconded by V. M. Meyerson, carried by a vote of 4 to 2, Mayor Rosen and Council- men Meyerson, Weinstein and Sahl voting in favor, Councilmen Drs. Haber and Wikler opposing. (NOTE: Councilman Sahl would not accept Councilman Dr. Haber's amend- ment to motion to limit fee to $2.50 pr. hr.). TENNIS 35 Date f. Establish non-resident permit fee of $60.- 9/x/74 V.M. Meyerson's motion to establish $60 fee for non residents, seconded by Council- man Sahl, failed of passage by a vote of 3 to 3, Mayor Rosen, V.M. Meyerson and Council- man Sahl voting in favor, Councilmen Dr. Haber, Weinstein, Dr. Wikler opposing. g. Increase locker fees from $4 to $7 annually On motion of Councilman Weinstein, seconded by Councilman Sahl, increased fees were a roved. Res. #74-14492 adopted, establishing tennis permit fee schedule, effective 10/1/74.