Tennis_November 1976TENNIS 50 (continued) Date advised Administration was not in a position at this time to furnish a report to Council inasmuch as no bids had been received, and matter was still being evaluated. Following discussion re- lative to feasibility of holding a public hearing, matter deferred to Nov. 24, 1976, 4:00 p.m. Time Certain. Councilman Weinstein requested Admini- stration and City Atty. to be prepared to report relative to all factors involved, as well as le- gal remifications, so that Council may be in position to make a rational decision. 11/3/76 Memo #6052, discussion re: operation of Tennis 11/24/76 facilities on a pro -concession basis. Council approved Administration's recommendation that TENNIS 51 (continued) Date bid be cancelled and authorized Administration to commence negotiations with existing tennis center pros; resultant preliminary agreement, if any, to be presented for Council approval within thirty days. 11/24/76 Memo #6059, non-resident tennis permits, de- 11/24/76 ferred to Dec. 8, 1976. Mrs. M. Falk appeared and requested to be 11/24/76 heard concerning proposed issuance of $3mil- lion Excise Tax bonds for the development of a tennis complex (approved by Council 11/3/76), and Administration was directed to place this matter on the Dec. 8, 1976 agenda. TENNIS 52 Date Mrs. M. Falk appeared to express objections to 12/9/76 issuance and validation of $3 million Excise Tax Bonds for development of a Tennis Complex. (approved by .Council 11/3/76). Council advised authorization was for purpose of being ready if and when plans for project reach fruition. Memo #6059, non-resident Tennis Permits, 12/9/76 (deferred from 11/24/76). Res. #76-15214 adopted, establishing tennis permit fees for non-residents. Mrs. Hazel Shapiro, Pres. Flamingo Park Tennis 5/18/77 Club, to request funding for M.B. representation at Maccabiah Games in Tel Aviv, Israel, July 12-22, 1977. Council approved City funding of