Tennis_May to December 1977TENNIS 53
(continued) Date
$500.00 and suggested that Mrs. Shapiro request
matching funds from TDA. 5/18/77
Hearing held and concluded for consideration, 9/29/77
of proposed budget for Fiscal Year commencing
Oct. 1, 1977 and ending Sept. 30, 1978. Res.
#77-15449 adopted, amending Res. #76-15138, re -
/ enl-irPermit Fees for permanent residents
age 65 and over, from $40.00 to $25.00, effec-
tive 10/1/77. All other established fees to
remain unchanged.
Request of Mr. Dennis Haywood, Tennis Promoter, 12/21/77
for use of Flamingo Park Tennis Facility on
Dec. 30, 1977, from noon till midnight, to
(continued) Date
feature matches between Bjorn Borg and Billy
Martin. Per Mr. Haywood's appearance, request
approved on following terms: 1) City to provide
one court with 2,000 bleacher seats; 2) promoter
to be responsible for additional bleacher seats,
if required; 3) promoter to pay all costs of
clean-up which includes moving of 2 units of
bleachers; 4) promoter to provide special events
policy, naming City as additional insured,
$100/300,000 bodily injury, $50,000 property dam-
age; 5) TDA to provide publicity and media support
providing announcement of event includes words
"Miami Beach"; 6) promoter to pay $1,000 "up front"
costs. (See Flamingo Park & MB TDA) 12/21/77
TDA members Ben Grenald and Norman Ciment re-
quested review of TDA proposal, made 9/1/76,
to place tennis courts on roof of Convention
Center South Hall. Mayor Haber appointed Com-
missioners Weinstein and Friedman to Tennis
Stadium Committee, and requested that Committee
be reactivated, meet with TDA, Administration
and any outside parties, and submit recommenda-
tions. Administration to furnish backup infor-
mation to all concerned. Tennis promoters,
Messrs. Jim McClain and Ken Slaman appeared and
requested City give favorable consideration to
supporting a national tournament to be held
March, 1979. (See TDA)