Tennis_April to July 1978TENNIS Discussion of tennis courts for Bayshore Golf Course (requested by Commissioner Weinstein). Commissioner Weinstein requested a report from Administration relative to status of the in- stallation of two tennis courts and installation of lighting on driving range. Mr. Phil Halpern appeared and inquired as to 5/17/78 present status of plans for tennis courts con- struction (requested City construct 20 public tennis courts on roof of Convention Center or other suitable location). Commissioner Weinstein requested Administration to immediately contact Metro -Dade Co. to ascertain whether they are receptive to construction of tennis courts on 56 Date 4/5%77 TENNIS 57 (continued) Date Consolo property (Pine Tree Park) and partici- pation in funding of same. Administration was requested to meet with Commission Tennis Com- mittee and T.D.A. to obtain recommendations regarding improvement of City's existing courts and location of a proposed tennis stadium and to submit a report. Commissioner Weisburd sug- gested that City's Recreation Master Plan being developed, also take into consideration tennis facilities, present and future. (See Metro -Dade, T.D.A., Commission Tennis Committee, Comprehen- sive Recreation Master Development Plan) 5/17/78 Request denied of Mrs. Aaron Appelbaum for 7/19/78 Commission's approval of an appropriation of TENNIS 58 (continued) Date $1,000 for Jodi Appelbaum, tennis player. 7/19/78 Commission referred to Sept. 27, 1978 com- 10/4/78 munication from TDA Executive Director re- questing ballot placement of a bond question for construction of a tennis complex; further advising that $100,000 TDA allocation for this project, will be reallocated to their 1978/79 budget, to be used for other projects if the Commission does not take action in a timely manner. Scheduled for 10/18/78 meeting. Ad- ministration and Commission's Tennis Committee will review and submit recommendations. Com- missioner Friedman requested Administration to