Tennis_October to November 1978TENNIS (continued) explore possibility of City applying for UDAG funding for a hotel/merchandise mart, including a tennis stadium. (See TDA) Status report submitted by Administration (LTC #76-78) re: Tennis Center and Hotel/Mart Complex. Calendar of critical events and re- commendations for implementation, forthcoming in January. 59 Date 1o/4/78 11/1/78 V. M. Weisburd referred to 11/7/78 communica- 11/15/78 tion from Executive Director of TDA (LTC 85-78) to effect that $500,000 TDA had earmarked for development of a Tennis Center would be with- held if it is to be combined with the Hotel/ TENNIS 60 (continued) Date Merchandise Mart projects. Mayor Haber advised that TDA has been put on notice to hold this matter in abeyance until City Commission has had an opportunity to deal with it. Commis- sioner Weisburd requested Administration to furnish an updated status report on these pro- jects, and was advised by City Mgr. that a re- port and recommendations would be forthcoming. Commissioner Friedman requested City Mgr. to advise TDA that he is displeased with the uni- lateral action they have taken on consideration of applying for UDAG funds without first having given Commission an opportunity to familiarize TDA members with these grant funds. (See TDA, Civic & Conv. Center Master Dev. Plan) 11/15/78