Theater Of The Performing Arts_August to October 1968THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS Book Page RES. #12499 requesting The Pressprich Corp. to'submit proposal re. methods of financing improvements to Hall & construction of Theatre of Performing Arts, etc. 8-21-68 53 354 Pressprich Corp. proposal re. methods of financing improvements to Conv. Hall, construction of Theatre of Performing Arts, etc., deferred to 10/9/68 9-18-68 53 448 THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS Consideration of proposals from Pressprich Corp. & Victor Gruen & Assoc. re. financing improvements to Convention Hall deferred to November 13, 1968 pending meeting with these companies' representatives. 10-9-68 2 BOOK PAGE City Manager and City Attorney to take steps for preparation of resolutions, etc., to get underway recommendations of Victor Gruen and financial consultants on expansion of Convention Hall including Theater of Performing Arts; also to go to New York City to consult with bond attorneys. Ernest Silverman expressed 53 475