Theater Of The Performing Arts_December 1968 to February 1969THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS disapproval of certain cultural groups at their not being part of committee re. proposed Theater of Performing Arts. Councilman Seiderman expressed intent in future to submit resolution for formation of Committee on above Theater. 12-4-68 54 38 City Manager to place as first order of business on January 15, 1969 renewal of motion made at this meeting: That Council ratify appointment of Jackie Gleason as Honorary Chairman and Mrs. Frances Wolfson as permanent chairman of Citizens Advisory Committee for construction of 3 BOOK PAGE THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS Theater of Performing Arts; these two and 55 persons (designated on list Mayor had) be Council committee. Each member of Council should place on committee those people in community they think are important to the arts; that appointments be without issuance of parking permits. City Attorney to submit to Council his recommendations regarding creation of Council committee for construction of Performing Arts Center; suggestions of City Attorney NOT include term of office nor number of members to be appointed, merely method of appoint- ment and duties to be performed by members. Council to receive resolution before next meeting --proposed resolution be placed on January 15, 1969 agenda. 1-2-69 54 125 4 BOOK PAGE THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS Book Pages City Attorney to prepare appropriate resolution creating committee "Citizens Advisory Committee" to the Council, for construction of A Theatre of Performing Arts, composed of 100 members, 70 appointed by members of Council (10 per Council- man), 30 at large; terms: 1 yr; providing for appointment of Jackie Gleason as National 134, Honorary Chairman & Mrs. Frances Wolfson as 143, Acting Chairman (members of Committee not 145 issued parking stickers). 1-15-69 54 Action deferred to 2/13/69 on resolution creating citizens advisory committee to Council for construction of theatre of Performing Arts. 2-5-69 54 134