Theater Of The Performing Arts_February to May 1973THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS 9 Meeting Date City Mgr. advised of presentation and assist- ance of Seymour Rosen, Executive Director of Heintz Hall in Pittsburgh, Pa. in evaluating presentations.2/111/3 Council Memo 3948, authorization to enter into negotiations with a theatre planning consultant and an architect to renovate auditorium for theatre of performing arts. Administration recommendation approved; musical groups asked assurance that up to 4/1974 events would not be disrupted. City Mgr. will report back with 3/21/73 contract and timetable for project. Res. 73-14008 adopted authorizing contract execution with architect Morris Lapidus and Ralph Alswang for services re: conversion of Miami Beach Auditorium to Theatre of THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS, 10 Meeting Date Performing Arts, as authorized by Council on 3/21/73. 5/2/73 Memo 4012- $4,000,000 from April 23'70 bond issue, series 8, for construction. Councilman Weinstein's motion was adopted, that Ci ty Mgr. meet with his staff and Hank Meyer, re: the formation of a special committee in re: construction, opening, solicitation of financing and contributions to the City of the Theatre of Performing arts; that this meeting be held prior to 6/6 meeting, and that City Mgr. re- turn to Council with suggestions as to composition, function, number, etc. of the committee. Members of Couoceill to be invited to attend meeting when 5/16/73 it is 5/2/73 THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS 11 Meeting Date Architect's presentation of schematic design and artist's rendering.. Council indicated interest in attending future work- shop sessions with architect and requested a detailed rendering of interior and girder treatment, in color be prepared; that consider- ation be given to installation of elevators; exterior overhangs be extended to provide weather protection to passengers alighting from automobiles; valet parking be considered; architect present sample of proposed seats and appointments in colors and fabrics be used; a detailed plaster model be prepared for display