Theater Of The Performing Arts_November 1974 to May 1975THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS Memo #4833A revised, discussion of bids for Theatre of the Performing Arts, Res. #74- 14546 adopted,authorizing execution of con- tract with Edward L. Nezelek, Inc., low bid- der meeting specifications, in the amount of $4,795,760.00. Contract to include provision that architect shall be final arbitrer in all disputes arising between City and Contractor. Funding as recommended by City Mgr. in Council Memo #4833 (B) approved. City Atty. rendered opinion that trans- formation of Aud. into Theatre of Per- forming Arts falls within the intent of THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS (Coned) the electorate in approving the $4 mil- lion, April 23, 1970 Bond Issue. Memo #5052, request for authorization to negotiate exclusive contract for Broadway and Theatre shows for Theatre of the Per- forming Arts. Admin. authorized to nego- tiate and report back to Council with recommendations. FROM ADDENDUM - Revision of seating arrange- ment for Theatre of the Performing Arts, approved. Responding to Councilman Dr. Wikler's question concerning conflict per- taining to orchestra pit design, Mr. Lapidus explained that differences have been 18 Date 11/20/74 19 Date 11/20/74 3/12/75 THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS 20 (coned) Date resolved and all parties are now in agreement 3/19/75 Presentations by Theatrical Producers for ex- 5/7/75 clusivity of Broadway Shows/Theatre presenta- tions in the Theatre of Performing Arts. City Mgr. & City Atty. to negotiate a contract with Gard Productions, Inc. (Zev Bufman) and return to Council for final action. U.M. Meyerson re- quested that negotiations include provision for booking of first local showing of productions in the Theatre of Performing Arts so as to pre- serve exclusivity in City's facility. Mr. Bufman indicated he would have no objections to in- clusion of a "best efforts" clause.