Theater Of The Performing Arts_December 1975THEATRE. OF PERFORMING ARTS 29
(continued) Date
Admin. of details and figures to be submitted by
Architect; c) Change Order No. 12, in amount of
$7,669.39, approved. Total of change orders
approved - $33,817.70, increasing contract from
$4,830.182.00 to $4,863,999.70.
5) Memo #5434, City Atty was authorized and di-
rected to proceed with validation of $1,7M Excise
Tax Bond Issue for T.P.A., instead of $1.5M as
directed on 9/17/75 in order to cover additional
moneys needed to complete project.
6) City Atty. suggested that objectors to original
bond issue, M.B. Taxpayers' Assoc. and Mrs. Mildred
Falk, be furnished with a written explanation as to
the necessity for this increase. 12/10/75
Art in Public Places, Inc., request for Coun-
cil's endorsement of project to place work of
art on Conv. Center Site. Area in front of
Theater of P. A. approved as site for placement
of work of art so as to comply with Committee's
requirements in order to apply for grant to
National Foundation for the Arts.
Memo from Mr. Norman Litz requesting drafting
of an ord. to prohibit smoking in seating areas
of the T. of P. A. (deferred from 11/19/75).
City Atty. requested to prepare appropriate ord.
for Council's consideration. Motion to direct
City Atty. to prepare an ord. to prohibit smoking
in food stores and elevators, in addition to
12/10 /75
(continued) Date
the Theater seating area, FAILED of passage. 12/11/75
Appearance of Architect Evan Davies of the 12/17/75
firm of Morris Lapidus and Assoc., Inc., to
recommend additional items required for com-
pletion of the Theatre of P. A. Council ap-
proved changes required to complete the pro-
ject, as enumerated by Mr. Lapidus at the
12/10/75 meeting and as recommended by the
Admin. City Mgr. advised that Admin. reserves
right to have work performed by City personnel
or handled through City's bidding procedure.
V.M. Haber requested placement on a future agenda,
consideration of policy pertaining to method of
handling Change Orders and establishing