Theater Of The Performing Arts_September to November 1976THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS 44 (continued) Date that Dr. Boner be again requested to come down to make necessary corrections to sound system, that City foot the cost of his trip, final determination as to who actually should foot the cost, to be made at later date. Further, Council concurred with City Atty. that, he, City Mgr. and Conv. Center Dir. and Administration, meet with Mr. Lapidus to work out entire matter of problems with TOPA. 9/15/76 Appearance of Mr. E.D.Whittlesey for follow-up 10/6/76 presentation of Fla. Public Relations Assn. Hall of Fame proposal to move exhibit to TOPA. Deferred for further study, with suggestion by Mayor Rosen that proposal be considered by Fine THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS 45 (continued) Date Arts Board for recommendation. 10/6/76 Councilman Meyerson requested City Atty. to 10/6/76 review all minutes pertaining to statements made by Architect Morris Lapidus, most re- cently with respect to sound system in this facility, as well as all other problem areas having to do with the Theater, and to submit a report, together with firm recommendations, as to which direction the City should take in connection with this entire matter. Memo #6008, Florida Public Relations Assn. Inc. 11/3/76 Hall of Fame Exhibit. Mr. Whittlesey was re- quested to advise Assn. that City would welcome THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS 46 (continued) Date exhibit, and in order to accomplish purpose of providing maximum exposure, Council has offered lobby of Conv. Center. 11/3/76 Councilman Meyerson reiterated Oct. 6 request 11/3/76 for firm recommendations in connection with sound system problems in Theater. (See LTC #518 -76 -communication from Dr. Boner, filed with records of meeting.) City Atty. advised that there recently have been several confer- ences with Architect and that Mr. Lapidus had agreed in monetary adjustments for certain phases of his services. He also advised that sound system has been satisfactorily adjusted except for use during Broadway shows, and he