Theater Of The Performing Arts_February 1977 to January 1978THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS
to waive requirement for legal advertisement of
bids and authorized the City Mgr. to make an
emergency purchase of up to $12,000 on the basis
of sealed bids to be solicited upon receipt of
specifications from Klepper Marshall King.
Memo #6219, modifications to sound amplification 3/2/77
system of TOPA, awarded Industiral Communications
Co. quoting $17,989.00 for base bid, and Add Al-
ternate#1 amounting to $2,950.00 for a total of
$20,939.00 to be funded from TOPA Bond Issue.
Nezelek request for approval of change order #37, 3/2/77
for compensation in lieu of time extension, in
amount of $195,431.22. No action taken, per
(continued) Date
recommendation of City Atty., inasmuch as con-
tract with architect Is presently iri arbitration. 3/2/77
Mr. Zev Butman appeared and expressed approval 3/16/77
of steps taken by City in having sound system
improved at this facility.
Administration's recommendation relating to
acquisition of used shell, and all related
items, at a total of $11,300, approved, sub-
ject to final approval of City Atty. Per
recommendation of Ass't City Atty., City will
retain original shell in view of ongoing liti-
gation concerning TOPA. Commissioner Weinstein
requested Administration to explore possibility,
(continued) Date
at a future time, of either selling or leasing
the old shell. 11/16/77
Appearance of Mr. David Kent, Florida Phil- 11/16/77
harmonic Orchestra General Manager, to present
proposal for purchase of used fiberglass shell
for TOPA.
Memo #6627, request to purchase new orchestra 12/21/77
shell instead of used one, for TOPA. Retention
of Jaffe Acoustics, Inc., as consultant, and
purchase of new shell, authorized,
(NOT ON AGENDA) Suit to be instituted against 1/18/78
architect Morris Lapidus for $195,000 actual