Theater Of The Performing Arts_May to July 1983YHEATtR Or Pi::i2F O ivliNG A a':$ 90 (continued) be granted refund of $250 of $750 rental pd. for use of TOPA on 4/13/83 to pres. 2 concerts. (see CONV. CTR. COMPLEX, CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) Date .-51/83 17 C5A 6/15/83 C -2G THEATER Date 6 15/83 C -2G 6/15/83 R -3F Memo 410-83, RFP 52-83, consultant arch. team for TOPA. Reps. of 3 top-ranked firms made presentations. Fol. Ad Hoc TOPA Renovation Com. ranking approved: 1) James Stewart Polshek & Partners, 2) Frink, Beauchat & Krasnegor Assn'n., 3) Skidmore, Owings Sc Merrill; Admin. to negotiate contr. Res. 83-17373A adopted, auth'g. contr. execution; fee not to exceed $80,000 for Phase I (anal. of facility & recommendnation for OF PERFORMING ARTS 91 (Continued) improvements). $20,000 Contingency Fund appropriation auth'd. City Atty./City Clerk to draft ques. for -W-1783 election ballot. (see AD HOC T.O.P.A. RENOVATION COMMITTEE, ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS, ELECTIONS) Ad Hoc TOPA Renovation Cum. Chm. Judy Drucker & .members Robert Herman (Opera Guild of Gr. Miami) & Zev Bufman urged that City proceed w/Theater renovations. (see AD HOC T.O.P.A. RENVOATION COMMITTEE). THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS Date fiag3 Memo 440-83, Comm. approved rec'dation of Cony. C -5E Ctr. Adv. Bd. (Adm. concurred) for approval of request by Temple King Solomon Theater Promoter for deletion of cancelled (poor ticket sales) 6/10/83 Camilo Sesto performance fr. contracted 8 Span. oriented summer series concerts. (see CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX, M.B. CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) 92- 7/20/83 2 7/20/83 R -3C C. Atty Memo 504-83. Mr. Bob Freedman appeared rep. M.B. Chamber of Commerce & stated Chamber's position that should City call referendum on bond issue to finance TOPA