Theater Of The Performing Arts_July to September 1983THEATER OP PERFORMING ARTS 93 Date (Cont'd) 7/20/83 improvements, such referendum be held subse- R-3C quent and apart fr. proposed referendum on bond issue for Conv. Ctr. expansion. Res. 83-17421 adopted; providing for sp. elec. on 11/1/83 to submit to electorate, ques. of iss. of G.O. bonds to finance improvements & renovations to TOPA ($22,000,000). Paul S. Byard, partner in charge - James Stewart Polshek & Partners (consultant archs. for TOPA improvement/renovation) appeared, pres'd rev'd prelim. budget, rep. on renova- tion plans, replied to ques's & urged pas- sage of reso. Ad Hoc TOPA Renovation Comm. mems. Judy Drucker, Dan Paul, & Joel Arnold THEATER OP PERPORMTNG ARTS 94 Date (Cont'd) 7/20/83 appeared/urged passage of res. In educa- R-3C tional program on question, funding to be defined as to purpose & reason proposed prepd. int., counsel fees, required repairs as opposed to improvements/renovations, etc. (see SPECIAL ELECTIONS - NOV. 1, 1983, TOPA $22,000,000 GEN. OBLIGATION BOND, $22,000,000 TOPA IMPROVEMENT BOND ISSUE) 9/7/83 Memo 544-83, request fr. Greater Miami Opera C -5H Assoc. to waive $1,500 theater rent on 10/24/83 - TOPA Bond Issue/free concerts. Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS 95 Date (Cont'd) 9/7/83 Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. for C -5H granting request to waive rent for 2 free aft. perfs. of The Fantasticks, during which Ad Hoc TOPA Renovation Com. will educate aud. re. TOPA renovation bond issue ques. to be on 11/1/83 election ballot. (see SPECIAL ELECTION - NOV. 1, 1983, $22,000,000 TOPA GEN. OBLIGATION BONDS) 9/7/83 Res. 83-17442 adopted, rescinding Res. R-90 83-17422 re submittal of $26,000,000 Excise Tax Bonds for Conv. Ctr. Exp. to voters in Nov. (Metro Dade Co. to impose a