Theater Of The Performing Arts_September to November 1983THEATER OF P R iOAMING , ARTS 96 Date (Cont'd) 9/7/83 Countywide taxon hotel rooms to pay for R-90 MB Cony. Ctr. expansion & a new cony. ctr. in downtown Miami). (see SP. ELECTION - NOV. 1, 1983 ($22,000,000 TOPA GEN. OBLIGATION BONDS)) 9/7/83 Res. 83-17447 adopted, Com. to submit R -9P recommendation re. allocation of CMB Endow- ment funds for purchase of TOPA tickets & resale to resident sr. cits. at discount prices, publicizing shows & tkt. availabili- ty, etc. Ad Hoc TOPA Renovation Com. appeared in support of com. creation. (see TOPA) THEATER OF PEAT; OAMING ARTS 97 Date 10/19/83 Memo 678-83, Arnold Leon appeared & objected R -1D to TOPA bond issue bg. pld. on 11/1/83 elec. ballot, alleging passage will result in $6,000 daily interest cost & renovation is unnecessary since last 2 performances at Theater were sold out. (see "L" MISC., SP. ELECTION 11/1/83 ($22,000,000 TOPA GEN. OBLIGATION BONDS) 10/19/83 Discussion on TOPA and its future, not R -9E reached - def. to 11/2/83. 11/2/83 Res. 83-17518 adopted, declaring results of 11/1/83 Sp. Election as certified by THEATER OP PERFORMING ARTS 98 Date (Cont'd) 11/2/83 Canvassing Committee. Fol. ques. approved: #1 re. iss. of $22,000,000 G.O. bonds for TOPA improvements. (see SP. ELEC. - 11/1/83 - $22,000,000 TOPA G.O. BONDS, $22,000,000 TOPA IMPROVEMENT BOND ISSUE) 11/9/83 Memo 702-83, free children's ballet, TOPA, C -3A 3/12/84. W/ref. to Arnold Leon's suggestion that $1,500 TOPA rental rate was insuffi- cient & that Comm. rev. rate/costs/no. of nights open, Mayor Fromberg asked Admin. to request Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. to investigate feasibility of basing rate on costs & no. of nights Theater is open, & to submit rep. & recommendation. Comr. Grenald requested