Theater Of The Performing Arts_November to December 1983TFi ,Ttik OP P PORMTNG ARTS 99 Date (Cont'd) 11/9/83 rep. incl. comparison of rates charged by C -3A other cities for use of similar facilities & actual cost to open Theater. (see CONV. CTR. ADV. BD., CONV. CTR. LEASES) 11/9/83 C -4A Memo 712-83, Res. 83-17530 adopted, estab- lishing a "Walk of the Stars" on SE lawn of TOPA, to be administered by CMB FAB; all direct costs to be borne by Bd's Sp. Rev. Acct. (see CMB FINE ARTS BD.) 11/16/83 Memo 763-83, Res. 83-17557 adopted, auth'g R -7C the issuance of gen. obligation bonds in aggregate principle amt. not to exceed THMM OP Tilt P8RPORMYNG ARTS Date (Cont'd) 11/16/83 $22,000,000 for R -7C financing of structural & acoustical addns., renovations, & improve- ments to TOPA (auth'd at 11/1/83 election); bonds to be in denomination of $5,000 or integral multiple thereof. Bond Counsel, Financial Consultant, C Atty directed by reso. to take necessary steps to effect validation, etc. (see SP. ELECTION - NOV. 1, 1983 - $22,000,000 TOPA G.O. BONDS, $22,000,000 TOPA IMPROVEMENT BOND) 100 12/7/83 Memo 808-83, Res. 83-17578 adopted, R -7F approving agreement in concept w/James Stewart Polshek & Partners for the MATER 0? TI12 Pt)2 ' »MING ARTS 101 Date (Cont'd) 12/7/83 rebuilding of TOPA; C Mgr to modify terms R -7F of agreement prior to its execution. Max. project budget - $19,750,000. Mgr/C Atty/Dan Paul auth'd to make modifications re. 1) definition of constr. schedule, 2) specific definition of acoustical sound stds., & 3) other chgs that do not affect substance of agreement; final agreement to be distributed to Comm. imdtly upon execution. Dan Paul (City's pro bono advisor on project) responded to ques's fr. Comm. (see ARCHITECTS & ENGRS)