Theater Of The Performing Arts_January to March 1984THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ATS Date 1/18/84 Memo 52-84, status rep. R -9C ject for TOPA, def. to Mayor Fromberg. 2/1/84 R -9B 2/15/84 R -9B 3/14/84 C -2G Memo 52-84, status rep. ject for TOPA; not 2/15/84. 102 - renovation pro - 2/1/84 at request of - renovation pro - reached - def. to Memos 52-84 and 92-84, status rep. - renova- tion project for TOPA; not reached -def to 3/14/84. Memo 155-84, File Ref. 46-84, printing and mailing of prelim. official statement of CMB THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARC'S Date (Cont'd) 3/14/84 $22,000,000 Pub. Improvement Bonds C -2G under St. of FL printing contr.; Paramount Press. Bid amt: (not 3/14/84 R -9B 103 for TOPA, awarded to to exceed) $10,500. (see $22,000,000 TOPA IMPROVEMENT BOND ISSUE, PRINTING & PRINTING EQUIP. (CONTRACTS)) Memo 181-84, status rep. - renovation pro- ject for TOPA. Mayor Fromberg gave rep. on discussion held at 3/12/84 Arch./Ad Hoc TOPA Renovation Committee mtg., as set forth in memo, concerning ques. of 2 vs. 3 balconies and 2 -phase constr. per. as opposed to 1 - phase. Comm. approved Committee's recommen- THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 104 Date (Cont'd) 3/14/84 dation for 18 -mo., 1 -phase constr., w/TOPA R -9B closing 4/21/85 and reopening 11/1/86. Matter of number of balconies to be considered fol. 3/28/84 Arch./Ad Hoc Committee mtg. (see AD HOC TOPA RENOVATION COMMITTEE) 3/14/84 R -7J Memo 166-84, Res. 84-17652 adopted, auth'g the issuance of bond anticipation notes in an aggregate principal amt. not to exceed $1,000,000 for financing structural acoustical addns., renovations, & improve- ments to TOPA; Series 1984A Notes dtd. 3/14/84, due 9/14/84, to be issued in