Theater Of The Performing Arts_June to July 1984THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS 114 Date 6/20/84 Rev. Memo 415-84, Res. 84-17768 adopted, C -5C auth'g execution of Agreement bet. Owner (City) and Project Mgr (Robert L. Turchin, Inc./CRS Constructors Mgrs, Inc. Jt. Ven- ture), as amd'd for Value Engr servs. to be rendered during Design Phase thru rev. of constr. bids (Phase 1) for renovation of TOPA; to be funded fr. Bond Issue ($154,650) and funds released by James Stewart Polshek and Partners fr. Arch. Contr. ($75,000). Prior to above action, §1.8 amd'd to incl., "For purposes of this Agreement, the Project Mgr shall be defined under Phase One, as Value Engr; under Phase Two as Constr. Mgr." THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS 115 Date (Cont'd) 6/20/84 Mr. Turchin offered no objection to inclu- C-5C sion of above amdt. Mayor Fromberg & C Mgr ack'd & thanked Stanley Arkin and Ad Hoc TOPA Renovation Com. for assistance in evaluating contr. Mayor Fromberg suggested that when consideration is given to amdg Agreement to provide for Construction Phase (Phase 2) Project Expeditor, that Personal Injury Comprehensive Gen. Liability ins. requirement be incr'd to $5,000,000 each occurrence and $5,000,000 aggregate. (see AD HOC TOPA RENOVATION COMMITTEE) THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS 116 Date 7/11/84 Comr. Shockett referred statement contained R -11I in a June 12, 1984 letter fr. James Stewart Polshek & Partners to Asst. C Mgr Ed Gross, suggesting that City's direction to redesign TOPA to a 2 -balcony rather than a 3 -balcony facility rep'd a chg. of priority. Comr. Shockett advised statement may be archi- tect's notice to City that the chg. may re- sult in the quality of the sound not bg. as perfect as that for which he had originally designed, and Comr. Shockett requested Admin. respond to the letter, advising that Abe Meltzer had assured the TOPA Renovation Committe that there would be no diminution