Theater Of The Performing Arts_July to October 1984THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 117 Date (Cont'd) 7/11/84 in the quality of the acoustics as a result R -11I of the chg. The C Mgr will submit a rep. at the 7/25/84 mtg. (see TOPA RENOVATION COMMITTEE) 7/25/84 Memo 471-84, $19,800,000 appropriated fr. C -5D bond issue proceeds for project, incl. arch./eng. svcs.; $2,200,000 appropriated for bond costs, capitalization of 1st int. pmt., & bond ins. (see $22,000,000 TOPA IMPROVEMENT BOND ISSUE) 7/25/84 Cor. re. renovation/acoustics provided for R -8G info.; no action req. or taken. THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 118 Date 9/19/84 Cert. pres'd by Mayor Fromberg to Edward PA -1A Melniker - guardian since 1977 for funds raised ($25,046.66) fr. pvt. sectors for CMB Sp. TOPA Acct. (see THEATER OF THE PERFORM- ING ARTS) 9/19/84 Memo 594-84, Res. 84-17849 adopted, accept - C -4C ing donation (funds in amt. of $25,046.66 fr. a community project) to provide artistic wks. to enhance aesthetics of TOPA when renovations completed; auth'g Fin. Dir. to open int. -bearing trust acct, w/Mgr & Fin. Dir. as signatories. (see GIFTS, TAX-EXEMPT - TRUSTS, ART IN PUB. BLDGS & PLACES) THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 119 Date 9/19/84 Memo 616-84, renovation & rebldg project for R -8D TOPA. Paul Byard of James Stewart Polshek & Partners, pres'd plans. Design Development Phase approved, incl'g raised grid; Mgr auth to instruct archs. to proceed w/Construction Documents Phase w/stipulation that const. cost be reduced to orig. $15.8 million. (see ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS) 10/3/84 Memo 636-84, Res. 84-17882 adopted amdg. R -7B Res. 83-17447, creating the Community Bene- fit Com. for the Performing Arts. (Arndt. incr. no. of local community & civic leaders fr. 5 to 6; decreased no. of prim. users of