Theater Of The Performing Arts_October 1984THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 120 Date (Cont'd) 10/3/84 TOPA fr. 6 to 5; and auth City to audit box R -7B office bks. & records of promoters col'g the $1 surcharge.) Surcharge to become effective 11/1/84 (instead of 10/1/84). (Change re- quested by Ad Hoc Com. for the Improvement of TOPA.) Mayor Fromberg requested item be pld. on 10/17/84 agenda for Comm. appts. During discussion, Mayor Fromberg advised Dr. John Bitter of Community Concerts Assn., requested waiver of $1/perf. charge to his series until renovation project completed, since only 1 tkt was issued for 6 concerts, and it would create a hardship to deduct $6 fr. amt. col. Comr. Arkin suggested request THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 121 Date (Cont'd) 10/3/84 should first be pres'd to Ad Hoc TOPA Reno - R -7B vation Com. for rev. & recommendation. Mayor Fromberg advised Com. will be mtg. early next wk & requested Mgr imdtly contact Dr. Bitter. (see AD HOC TOPA RENOVATION COMMITTEE, COMMUNITY BENEFIT COMMITTEE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS) 10/17/84 Memo 645-84, Conv. Ctr. application for an C -5E energy aud. grant. Adm. recommendation that Comm. accept $700 grant fr. the Gov's Energy Off. for aud. (will qualify City for addnl. energy-related funds thru Gov's Tech. Assis- tance Program, which could result in State THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 122 Date (Cont'd) 10/17/84 partially funding utility design for Conv.__ C -5E Ctr. expansion) and for approval of contr.' arrangements w/FP&L to perform such auds.; approved. Admin. to: 1) draft RFP for energy conservation/mgt. servs. w/list of existing City -owned facilities to be incl'd, 2) verify that contrs. w/arch./engrs. for Conv. Ctr. Expansion & TOPA Renovation incl. requirement for energy mgt./con- servation measures. Reps. to be submitted for 11/7/84 mtg. Comr. Daoud requested Energy Bd. be consult- ed on above. (see FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO., FLORIDA, STATE OF, CONV. CTR. COMPLEX,