Theater Of The Performing Arts_October to December 1984THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS Date (Cont'd) 10/17/84 ENERGY 8D. C -5B 11/7/84 C -4H 123 C Atty Memo 736-84, Res. 84-17918 adopted, authg execution of agreement w/Zev Bufman d/b/a Maccabee Investments, Inc. to pres. theatrical, dramatic, and musical perfs. at TOPA; rescinding all inconsistent contrs.; term - 11/1/86 thru 6/30/93 for min. of 6 theatrical seasons (11/1 thru 5/30); Producer to pres. min. of 4 Broadway shows (at least 1/day) on min. of 48 days/season; base weekly rental - $8,000 for 1st calendar yr., incr'g by $1,000 ea. succeeding yr. up THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 124 Date (Cont'd) 11/7/84 to $12,000; prevailing base per/perf. rental C -4H rate, excluding percentage of gate, to be pd. for Broadway shows running less than 6 perfs. & other shows; $1,500 liquidated damages to be pd. for ea. day under 48 not utilized; if available, City to provide office space in TOPA at $7 per sq. ft. rental; Producer to provide proof of required ins.; concession rts. retained by City. NOTE: Item orig. listed as R -7F. 11/21/84 Memo 762-84, discussion of request for fund - R -9A ing fr. MB Sr. High School for the ental of TOPA for it's "Share" program. Mr. Steve THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS Date (Cont'd) 11/21/84 Herzfeld pres'd request. R -9A waiver of $1,500 TOPA suggested it be funded award on the demolition bandshell. Admin. to MUNICIPAL PIER (CONTRS), 12/5/84 C -5A 125 Comm. approved rental fee; C Mgr fr. the under budget of So. Pointe Pier & rep. back. (see SCHOOLS -PUBLIC) Memo 79-84, request of Community Concert Assoc. re. Community Benefit surcharge for 1984-85 series. Comm. approved Admin's recommendation for payt. of $1 per member- ship card issued for the 1984/85 6 -attrac- tion season (approx. $2,000), w/provision of promissory note approved by C Atty for bal.