Theater Of The Performing Arts_May to June 1985THEATER OP THE PERFORMING, MS 135 bate (Cont'dY 5/15/85 CSC advised inappropriate use of funds. 11-811 Comr. Singer asked C. Abby, to prepare for 6/5/85 agenda, a res._ to to broaden allowable usage of funds. (see LINCOLN ROAD MALL, COMMUNITY BENEFIT COM.) 5/15/85 R -11E Discussion held re high bids recd. for pro- posed TOPA renovation. Mayor Fromberg advised Admin. stopped const. and prevented removal of seats, so facility can still be utilized if it is det'd that project will not proceed. He also advised there will be a pub. mtg. 5/17/85 @ 9 a.m. in Mgr's conf. rm. w/Ad Hoc TOPA Renovation Com., Arch. THEATER OF THF PERPORMTNG ARTS 136 bate (Cont'35 5/15/85 James Stewart Polshek and Partners, and R -11R Value Engr/Project Mgr. Turehin/CBS, w/Comm. also invited to attend/participate, in effort to diagnose basis for discrepancy bet. anticipated cost and the bids. VM Shoekett requested Admin. to submit a rep. for the 6/5/85 mtg. Mgr to negotiate w/bidders to try to reduce bids w/in budget. Mgr requested to hire an independent expert to review the arch's plans w/other contrac- tors, to det. if bids could come w/in budget if project were rebid. Mayor Fromberg advised City must det. a.s.a.p. if project can proceed so producers can det. scheduling T EATER= Off' THE p R 'ORMtNG; ACTS bate ?Cont/d) 5/15/85 for current season as well as fol R -11R pro2eeted renovation. N6'action taken, pending outcome of 5/17 ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS, AD RENOVATION COM.) 137 the required or mtg. (see HOC TOPA 6/5/85 Memo 329-85, rep on mtgs w/TOPA low bidders. R -3G Mgr advised 30 -day negotiation process among Archs., Value Engr., and bidders expires 6/17/85. Paul S. Byard & Joe Fleischer, of James Stewart Polshek and Partners advised attempting to reduce cost of wk. & uncer- tainties, ensure desired schedule, and det. methods for procuring wk.; stated project is